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Tracking Employee Time Under New DOL Rules

Tracking Employee Time Under New DOL Rules

As I discussed last week, many small business leaders choose to pay everybody salary, regardless of the rules. I’m thinking they won’t be doing that any more, now that the Department of Labor has issued new overtime rules and will be cracking down on people who...

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Ready for the DOL’s New Overtime Rules?

Ready for the DOL’s New Overtime Rules?

The Department of Labor released new rules yesterday which include significant changes to how employees are classified as exempt or non-exempt, which means you may have a bunch of employees who are suddenly going to be eligible for overtime beginning December 1st of...

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Non-Profit Fraud is a People Problem

Non-Profit Fraud is a People Problem

Fraud is bad. But if you run a non-profit, fraud is more than bad, it can destroy your credibility, which scares off your donor base and cripples your efforts to fulfill your mission. That was the message of the presentation at the Capital Area Non-profit...

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You Don’t Communicate as Clearly as You Think

You Don’t Communicate as Clearly as You Think

I have a communication exercise I do with groups. I distribute paper to every person, tell them to close their eyes, and then I give them instructions about how to fold the paper, unfold it, refold it, and tear out a corner.  I think the instructions sound specific....

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How to Implement Ban the Box

How to Implement Ban the Box

So you probably heard that, March 24, Austin passed a fair chance hiring ordinance for private employers, more commonly known as Ban the Box. What it means is that Austin employers with 15 or more employees can’t ask job candidates about criminal history until they’re...

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Understand the Value of ADA Accommodations

Understand the Value of ADA Accommodations

Even if you do your due diligence, it’s not always apparent before you hire someone that they can’t follow through on tasks, can’t deal with authority, and can’t meet any deadline…ever. These are the sorts of disabilities that make people generally unemployable. But...

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Technology Helps You Hire Slow, Quickly

Technology Helps You Hire Slow, Quickly

You know the adage: Hire slow, fire fast. And I know that most of my clients will nod and say “Yeah, but I can’t afford to hire slow. So-and-so is working 60 hours a week and I’m afraid we’re going to lose this customer if we can’t make the order on time, and my last...

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Successful Chef Says Listen to Your Advisors

Successful Chef Says Listen to Your Advisors

Stephanie Izard won Top Chef in the fourth season of the show.  I remember watching and thinking she was a cool customer- calm under pressure, creative, team player, communicative, fierce competitor.  She was the first woman to win the competition. I am an avowed...

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There’s a good business argument for mindfulness

There’s a good business argument for mindfulness

Have you ever stopped to notice how often you aren’t really where you are but you’re in your head instead? You might be in a meeting, or in traffic, or doing a task but your brain is envisioning the argument you had with your partner, the upcoming employee evaluation,...

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Hiring? Don’t make contractors your default option

Hiring? Don’t make contractors your default option

We live in an interesting time, the time of the sharing economy. I keep reading these articles about Millennials and their preferences--like not wanting to own cars or homes. They want to rent, to use a driving service. They’re not sure they want to get married or...

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Quick quiz: The last time someone told you about their experience at SXSW Interactive did they talk about how inspired they were from the panels or about the awesome parties they went to? (Cue “Jeopardy” music). Employers who have the bucks to send employees to SXSW...

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Create a Culture of Appreciation Among Employees

Create a Culture of Appreciation Among Employees

Tomorrow is Employee Appreciation Day, which most people assume is about leaders and managers appreciating employees. And it is about that. But here’s a statistic I picked up from the Society of Human Resources Managers recently: according to a 2012 report by SHRM and...

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