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Let’s Not DIY It

Let’s Not DIY It

By: Briana Peterson, SHRM-SCP  When’s the last time you faced a moment of uncertainty and resorted to YouTube tutorials, or as I like to call it “YouTube University” to learn how to DIY pretty much anything? Then the lightbulb goes off and you realize that sometimes...

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Kindness is Free

Kindness is Free

By: Briana Peterson, SHRM-SCP  Tomorrow is Employee Appreciation Day, and I know many of us truly appreciate our fellow employees, but do they know it? Here’s a statistic I picked up from Inc. Magazine recently: according to a 2023 survey by Workhuman, a global...

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Where Culture and Compliance Clash

Where Culture and Compliance Clash

People tend to think of culture and compliance as completely different animals. To some, culture is the fun part of an organization, how you work and play together, who you are as people. Compliance is rules, regulations, and legal risks. Boring constraints. But if...

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So There’s An Employment Gap…So What?

So There’s An Employment Gap…So What?

It’s time we got over this stigma we have about hiring people who have employment gaps. The Boston Fed published a policy paper early in 2014 based on an experiment by Rand Ghayad and William Dickens. The researchers sent out thousands of fake resumes that were nearly...

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Safety of the Kiddie Pool vs. the Ocean of Opportunity

Safety of the Kiddie Pool vs. the Ocean of Opportunity

Recently, going remote has been a necessity for many of us that are not in essential jobs.  While there has been a gradual awareness and movement towards a more remote environment in the past 5 years, the pandemic has accelerated the transition to a mass...

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Stories on Belief

Stories on Belief

Unprecedented, once in a lifetime, and the new normal are words and phrases surveyed Twitter users recently told they never wanted to hear or read again. Why? I suspect it is because we have repeatedly used them in response to the past 5 months. We are...

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Shut Up and Listen

Shut Up and Listen

First, I want to acknowledge that I haven’t written a blog in three months due to the roller coaster that has been 2020. I am back from this hiatus and I am starting by addressing the topic that is facing leaders across the country. Whether you are a leader at your...

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Managing Employee Safety & Risk

Managing Employee Safety & Risk

Just like last week, I have rewritten this blog three times as new information is communicated from our local, state and federal leaders. I decided it was time to pause and publish with the caveat that information shared may and most likely will change even by this...

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HR Plans During Crisis

HR Plans During Crisis

I have rewritten this blog post every day for the past three days as new information is being shared by business partners and government agencies and finally realized this quickly moving and fluid situation will continue to evolve so it is best to send this out with...

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Meaningful Gifts Matter Most

Meaningful Gifts Matter Most

Last Friday was Valentine’s Day which, for obvious reasons, is a special day we celebrate here at ValentineHR. Traditionally Valentine’s Day is all about the romantic loves in our lives, but we think of it as a day to express appreciation for all of the people you...

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Words of Affirmation: Everyone Loves a Compliment

Words of Affirmation: Everyone Loves a Compliment

You rock.  My “go-to” words of affirmation for my fellow HR consultants.  This is one of my favorite love languages: Words of Affirmation. So, what is it to affirm others?   After a super quick online search, I found two meanings: To state as a...

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